About Me
I am the first Black woman to get a PhD in Robotics at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor. I am currently a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.
My research focus is in controls with applications in bipedal locomotion and engineering education.
Navigating academia as a person at the intersection of numerous visible and invisible identities, I have faced many challenges, including being expelled from my first PhD program. However, with the unwavering support of mentors, I overcome systemic barriers and made history. I am committed to paving the way for future generations, demonstrating that while I may be the first, I certainly won't be the last! In my dissertation titled "Ascending New Heights: Enhancing Bipedal Robotic Locomotion through Stair Climbing," I wrote the following dedication to affirm my vision: "For all the little Black girls who were told that they could not climb…let them witness your ascension."
University of Michigan Ann Arbor
PhD, Robotics (2024)
University of Michigan Ann Arbor
MS, Robotics (2021)
University of Michigan Ann Arbor
MSE, Mechanical Engineering (2020)
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
BS, Mechanical Engineering with honors, Hoeft Technology and Management minor (2017)